Operation Happy

Have you ever been asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Of course you have, hasn't everybody?!  I've come to realize that I'm 25 years old and, welp, I'm grown up!  I've gone through many stages of what I want to be when I grow up.  I wanted to be a Writer.  A Chef.  A Photographer.  A Fashion Designer. An Interior Designer.  When it comes down to it I am not any of these things; I am all of them.  This year I have decided (better late than never) that I am going to do all the things I've always wanted to.  Not because I am getting paid to, but because they make me happy.  Instead of calling it a New Years Resolution I am calling it Operation Happy; because well, happiness is a state of mind and shouldn't just last a month into the new year.  This is why I started this blog.

Here you will find recipes/cooking advice, DIY home projects(I try to be as crafty as possible), and most of all FASHION.  All photography will be done by yours truly (unless otherwise stated of course!).
Stay tuned for some fun! 

What makes you happy?  I would love to hear from you! :)

xo Rebecca <3


  1. Hey Becca,
    I saw your post on FB and thought I'd check out what this was all about. I gotta say that I love how you are thinking girl. Happiness is definitely a state of mind and after reading this, you've made me realize that there's so many things I want to do and haven't yet! So here's to new beginnings and I hope you have a wonderful year! I'll keep checking in here because your Subway Art looks amazing and I'm sure you have lots of other great ideas! Talk to you soon, hope all is great!

  2. Brea! Thank you so much for your kind words you are so sweet! I hope you have a wonderful year as well and keep checking in, i have a lot of ideas to share!

  3. Hey Beckski!!

    Wow, what a great idea, I love it! Very inspiring, I'll definitely be checking in as well. Love you!


Leave me some love <3