Finding Inspiration

It has been a while since I have been in touch with the blogging world, partially because I have been SO busy (which means I have so much to share with you all!) and partially because I have been SO uninspired.  Do you ever notice that when seasons start to change, stores become so bare and uninteresting?  It makes it so easy to get into a rut.  On the other hand, do you ever realize that maybe you are just looking in the wrong places?

Growing up is a really funny thing.  It's funny to look back and laugh at the past.  But I think the best part is living in the moment and realizing what the hell is going on.  My style is completely changing, which is really confusing, but at the same time it's really just funny.  I picked out a dresser for our "master bedroom" yesterday that I never thought in a million years I would like:

Yup.  It's large and dark and 6 months ago I would have hated it.  And now, I love it.  It's something I can grow with.  Weird right?  This whole growing up thing.. it's weird..  But anyway. when it comes to buying furniture I've realized you can't settle for the cheap stuff.  It falls apart and to be completely honest, in a few months it looks, well, cheap.  What you also need to think about when buying expensive furniture, is that expensive piece growing with your life.  You don't want to buy something like this expensive dresser above (which by the way is from Pottery Barn and can be found here)   and then move into a new house with more space and have to buy something completely different.  We're in a stage now where we can't fit an entire set in one room.  This is a piece that, hopefully, when we move we can buy the rest of the set.  Who knows if they will still have the exact set, but I have faith that Pottery Barn will still have something of a similiar color/style.  And matched up with our new bedding it will look fab (which should be here any day!):

See, change can be fun!  We may need to make bigger purchases that are not so fun as we get older but paired with the right accessories anything can be great.

So, what do I have in store for you in the next few months?  Well, a long overdue Mudroom Reveal (yes, finally), a Living Room reveal (yes, finally again) some Bathroom Inspiration, some Kitchen Inspiration & I am even going to throw in a Guest Post.  And we can't forget about the holidays! Because I love decorating for the holidays, best time of year by far!  Stay Tuned!.....

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