Times Are a Changin'

I went to my parents house last week to visit and we got to talking about decorating and how times are changing.  My mom showed me a huge folder filled with cut outs from when they bought their current house.  She would read magazine after magazine and tear out "ideas" and file them in a folder.  I was laughing because this is something you would never see now.  Now it's all about technology, a ton of magazines are electronic and rather than searching through magazines for ideas, we search through Internet sites.  I had to agree with her about one thing, there is nothing like flipping through a good magazine, no Nook, Kindle, iPad or other tablet can compete with that!

After I left their house I got to thinking about technology.  We have so many options out there and I haven't even explored them!  Sure I read blogs, but that's really the extent of it; I'm not old by any means but the technology these days is almost scary.  (Yes, I work in technology sales, ha go figure!)

With that said, I decided to take my first step toward becoming more "technologically inclined".  No, I didn't join Twitter, I'm not sure I will ever be able to get there! :)  I requested a membership to Pinterest.  And about 5 minutes after I requested the membership I had an invite in my mailbox (E-mailbox that is!)

I didn't know what I was missing!!  I can't quite tell you how to use Pinterest but I can tell you it is filled, filled with inspiration!  Within in minutes I got totally distracted with a "pin" to The Urban Barn.  This is one of the coolest sites I've ever seen and I can't believe it exists AND it's free!

This tool allows you to design your own room.  Again, I just found this today so I don't know all of the functionality included.  What I do know is that I was able to recreate our living/dining room area with the correct dimensions to make sure everything I've been buying fits in the room!

Awesome, I am beyond excited!  If you know me, you know I'm a planner and this is right up my alley!


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